
Inspired by Judeo-Christian values, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching, the University of the Incarnate Word and its founding congregation (Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word) welcomes all persons of diverse backgrounds to its faith community.

Our embrace reflects our belief that your respectful interaction as students of different backgrounds advances the discovery of truth, 相互了解, self-realization and the common good.

To learn more about the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, please visit the Sisters' website.



  • 撤退
    • Crossroads– Crossroads Retreat draws men and women together to reflect upon what they have brought to UIW, and their hopes for their lives at UIW and beyond.
    • SALVE – Held mid-fall semester, SALVE provides the ideal get-away to help you pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and, 与他人一起, 把他的快乐传播到全世界.
    • Spiritus – Spiritus is a guided silent retreat designed to provide time away from our busy lives, time to explore how to live simply in a complex world, and spend time listening to the Spirit of God.
  • Welcome Mass – The Welcome Mass is the first Mass of the academic year welcoming students and their 家庭 back to campus.
  • Mass of the Holy Spirit – In keeping with a long tradition dating from the founding of the great European universities in the Middle Ages, we celebrate the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the start of each fall semester confidently calling upon the Lord to send us the Spirit of Wisdom asking for inspiration, guidance and the presence of God’s Spirit in all our endeavors.
  • 遗产周
    • 遗产周 is a week-long celebration where the University of the Incarnate Word community recalls its heritage and Mission.
  • Día de los Muertos and All Souls Day Mass
    • Día de los Muertos is a day to celebrate and remember those who have passed on. The University holds an All Souls' Day Mass at the 圣母礼拜堂. A memorial altar is set up to honor loved one who have passed on.
  • 校友 Memorial Mass – Celebrated on Sunday of 首页coming Week each fall semester, 我们聚在一起纪念校友, 家庭, and friends who have died during the year.
  • Baccalaureate Mass – Celebrated at the end of the fall and spring semesters. 毕业生, 家庭, and professors gather to celebrate and thank God for the accomplishments of our graduates.
  • Solemnity of the Annunciation (Incarnate Word Day)
    • This is the Feast of the Annunciation. This is the Feast day for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, The Founders of the University of the Incarnate Word.
  • Pray-a-thon – Celebrated annually as a week-long celebration – Sunday to Sunday – in conjunction with the Feast of the Annunciation, 3月25日, otherwise known as Incarnate Word Day.
  • TAIZÉ沉思祈祷
    • Taizé prayer services are held twice annually at UIW for anyone who wishes to participate.
  • 平日及主日弥撒



Student Engagement Center (SEC), Room 3140

Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Room is available in room 3140 of the Student Engagement Center. This is a space for students, faculty, and/or staff. This space allows individuals and small groups to come together in a quiet space for prayer, 中介, and/or reflection throughout the day.
For more information, contact Right Rev. Dr. Trevor Alexander, Protestant Chaplain at the University of the Incarnate Word.


上午10:30的弥撒.m. on Second Sundays and other special occasions as announced.

St. 约瑟的教堂

Second Floor, The Village at Incarnate Word



First Floor, Administration Building

周日上午11点弥撒.m. (year-round, unless noted otherwise)
Weekday Mass at noon, Monday - Thursday
(Note: No daily Mass when the university is officially 关闭d.)